Unveiling the Truth: 'Falling off the Wagon' is a Choice, Not an Accident

You might not like this, you know….

Because there’s something I’ve figured out

From my MANY (yep I’m old) years of coaching THOUSANDS (yep, I’m bragging) of people

That ‘falling off the wagon’ isn’t really a thing

DESPITE my hearing it hundreds upon hundreds of times

And even saying it myself when I’m STOPPED doing what I said I would and STARTED doing what I said I wouldn’t

^^ never actually thought of it like that before ^^

So lets look at the cool stuff >>

What does ‘falling off the wagon’ actually mean?

Well, I’d say that ‘wagon’ means PLAN… which makes a lot of sense

But ‘falling off’ (this is the might that might get on your t1ts)

‘Falling off’ would indicated that you didn’t CHOOSE to partake in the things you said you wouldn’t

Which of course is UTTER BULLSH*T


But its true right…

We don’t ‘fall’

We weren’t pushed either

We simply CHOOSE to do something that wasn’t in line with our plan but that would make us feel better in the moment

And my problem with the ‘falling off the wagon’ thing

Is that it indicates that it was OUT OF OUR CONTROL

Which again, is BS


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