‘Weekend Weakness’ [Sad And Boring]

Weekends used to be when it all went t*ts up

- Its when I’d drink too much
- Its when I’d sniff too much
- It’s when I’d eat junk food
- Stay up late
- Get into arguments
- Lie in bed on Sundays
- Be a d!ck to my wife and kids

It became the ‘norm’ for me
I’d find all sorts of justifications for it to
Because EVERYONE did it, right?

‘Thats what weekends are for’ I’d convince myself (and anyone that would listen)
And I’ll admit, it was kinda fun

The problem?
Well, the downside of it all was that I’ll feel like shite for the rest of the week
Tired, suffering from more mood swings
I’d make no progress with anything… I’d eat even more junk food to feel better
And then the cycle would continue

Wasted on a weekend, feel like shite through the week, ‘make it’ to the end of the week, get wasted again…

Rinse and repeat.

Then one mindset shift changed everything
I started to see weekends not as JUST a reward for hard work or the ‘end’ of a hard week
But as the START of a new week

I started to see weekend as an opportunity to PREPARE to kick ass the next week
I started to treat Saturdays and Sundays as ‘pre week’
Which meant my behaviour went with it

- I’d start eating better (not perfect, that ain’t me)
- I’d take my sleep more seriously
- Get outside in nature
- Take naps
- Drink more water
- Do REALLY cool shit

My weekends are actually JAM PACKED with fun stuff now
Rather than spent boozing and slobbing

And my life as a result?

MORE energised, MORE exiting, MORE fun, inspiring
Some people call me sad and boring…

But man, for me…
There was nothing more sad and boring than self soothing with booze all weekend and then spending every week feeling like a bag of shit
Listen, if you want me to show you EXACTLY how to stop falling off the wagon and create PERMANENT change…
As well as give you some more HUGE insights on how to level up your life

Join me this Sunday at 5pm

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