Get that mind out of the gutter, my mate

I’m talking about making your life HARDER

Although someone will get offended by this…

See, I believe we all do things that make our lives harder than necessary

Yet somehow when we’re doing them… we convince ourselves that they’ll make our lives easier

Which I’ve discovered is bullsh!t

Things that make your life harder (but you’re convinced they make your life easier) >>

* Refusing to plan, organise or schedule your days and weeks
* Getting tanked up on booze and junk food
* Avoiding exercise
* Skirting around difficult conversations
* Hitting snooze on the old alarm clock
* Staying ‘comfortable’

Think about all of those for a second

They ALL make our lives easier, in the long run

But so often, we’ll choose the SHORT TERM ‘easy’ and then pay the price later on

The price you pay >>>>>

>> Overwhelm and anxiety
>> Depression and low mood
>> Shit energy and extra body fat
>> Missing out on opportunities
>> Failed relationships and businesses
>> Unhappiness

Any of those familiar?

Thought so…

The one that’s on my mind right now

The one thing thats standing out

The thing that I 100% believe will make your life HARDER THEN NECESSARY

Drum roll…

>>> Putting off making any changes or Improvements until new year <<<

That for me is MENTAL

The longer you leave it to change? THE HARDER IT GETS

The longer you leave it to make improvements? THE HARDER IT GETS

Trust me on that.


Dubai's Rain Conspiracy: Myth or Reality? A Skydiver's Perspective