Dubai's Rain Conspiracy: Myth or Reality? A Skydiver's Perspective

This morning I was sharing the details on what happened in the skydive I did in Dubai last week inside of my free telegram channel

(reply with ‘telegram’ and I’ll send you the link to get free motivational voice notes from me)

What I didn’t talk about was what happened right before…

The guy who I was jumping out of the plane with told me there was a storm coming

Yep, in Dubai

He said that the government in Dubai actually MAKE it rain

Apparently, when they see clouds appear they send up planes and drop big balls of salt into the clouds

Which by all accounts? Make’s it rain

Here’s the kicker though

When it rains in Dubai.. its CHAOS

The roads aren’t built for rain so some of them get shut down

The parks aren’t built for rain so they turn into lakes and get shut down

The indoor shopping malls aren’t build for rain so they have to shut down escalators and close certain shops

Mad eh?

I couldn’t figure out just WHY they’d do that, when they know what happens

I suppose its like anything though

In order to get one thing? You have to sacrifice something else

If you want to grow you business? You have to sacrifice comfort

If you want to lose weight? You have to sacrifice some food

If you want to master your mental health? You’ll have to sacrifice your ‘bad’ habits

You get my drift

There’s ALWAYS a cost

Final example?

If you want to have ME as your coach and help you transform your thinking (and your life)

The cost is you putting skin in the game




From Survival Mode to Thriving: How to Rewire Your Mind for Success