From Survival Mode to Thriving: How to Rewire Your Mind for Success

WARNING: This might blow your socks off

As it contains powerful information on how to program your mind for success (whatever that looks like for you)

Lets get to it…

Us humans are pretty much wired for ONE THING

It’s not to be happy.
It’s not be fulfilled

It's quite simply to STAY ALIVE

Obviously, that's useful… particularly thousands of years ago when there was sabre tooth tigers and all that jazz

(Although thinking about the last school run I did with the kids? We ain’t far off that now ha)

Anyhoo, the problem with this?

It means that our minds will ALWAYS notice the negative before the positive

We’ll always notice what could go wrong before what could go right

Therefore: we tend to be in a world where (read this carefully)

- People are scared of what other people think
- They worry that things won’t work out
- They’re in fear about money, time and energy
- They react terribly to any form of ‘difference of opinion’
- They often feel like the world is against them and that everything happens TO them..and wander around getting involved in drama after drama

Sound familiar?

Here’s the good news.. you can REPROGRAMME your mind

See, your mind is like a compass needle… it can only point in one direction at a time

And its magnetic north? NEGATIVE

So if you want to CHANGE THAT…. it takes EFFORT and willingness

Here’s a few ideas

Start journalling. Journalling allows you to ask question that will STEER YOUR MIND in more empowering direct

Books. Reading or listening to books is a great way to start putting positive, exciting stuff into your mind

Coaching.A great coach (ahem) will ask GREAT questions that again, help you to point your compass needle towards more empowering thoughts


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