Unlocking Your Potential: How Your Peer Group Shapes Your Life

Yesterday I spoke about a quote on ‘modelling’ from the big man, Tony Robbins and how it really woke me up from a slump…

But there’s something else I learned from him that I think you need to know

In fact, I believe its one of the fastest ways to change your habits and change your life

In fact its very similar to the email I wrote about a well-known stream service's TV show “Top Boy”

“Most People's Lives are a Direct Reflection of the Expectations of Their Peer Group.”


What that means is whoever you hang out with?

You’ll adjust your behaviour to get their approval… and then you’ll get the results that go with that

No unfortunately, more often than not you’ll LOWER your standards to fit In

See when you’re spending time with people who >

* Have no sense of purpose or positivity

* Have no ambition
* Just go around in circles doing the same shit day after day
* Are Convinced the world is against them
* Are Pessimistic
* Partake in all of the habits you KNOW aren’t good for ya
* Are Gossips
* Live for the weekend
* Always see the negative

You’ll always struggle to change

Because of the innate nature of wanting to fit in with groups we’ll end up mirroring their behaviour

And then wonder why we don't have the life we want

They say “Proximity is Power”

And it’s true..

It’s one of the reasons I curate groups

I put together environments where people

* Have goals and targets their aiming for an moving towards
* Have a FIRE inside of them to do better
* Know that their life is THEIR responsibility
* Are optimistic and positive
* Are tying to nail down good habits
* Talk about their FUTURE, not other people
* Have BRILLIANT weekends without needing to get on the booze
* Look for the positives

And I’m putting together a group RIGHT NOW


From Survival Mode to Thriving: How to Rewire Your Mind for Success


Timely Reminder: Children Follow What They See, Not Just What They Hear