Timely Reminder: Children Follow What They See, Not Just What They Hear

If you follow me on social media, you’ll know that I spent the weekend on the stage at a big event in Brighton…

A couple thousand people

I was introducing, interviewing, being interviewed

And I got to do one of my keynote speeches << one of my favourite things to do

Probably why I was so tired yesterday

I had a blast with some great people

The whole thing was brilliant

But the highlight of the weekend that I WASN’T ecpecting?

Seeing something on my 10 year old daughters' instagram stories

She’d taken a photo of one of my slides that was up on the Giant screen

And she’d circled my name and wrote ‘my dad’ next to it

(I’m smiling from ear to ear while I type this)

Honest? I was PROPER chuffed

Being a dad (and a mum, my wife says) is pretty hard sometime

You don’t know if you’re getting it right or wrong

There’s a lot of guessing and flying by the seat of your pants

A lot of questioning yourself

Its THE most rewarding yet at the same time challenging thing I’ve ever done, thats for sure

But when this happened?

It lit me up inside

Now, I may not know that much about being a dad

But one thing I take SERIOUSLY (escpecially since my days of bipolar mood swings and suicidal thoughts)

Is that my life is either an EXAMPLE to my kids


I love this quote by Tim Ferris >>
“Kids don't do what you say. They do what they see. How you live your life is their example”

Powerful huh?


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