Feeling Unmotivated? Surround Yourself with Passionate People!

This week was feeling like a bit of a SLOG

Like wading through quick sand

Things not going to plan

Laptops breaking

Phones not charging

Cars not arriving on time after a 13 month wait

Locked out of my own Zoom sessions

Just a bit mad, ya know

We all get those weeks, I’m sure of it

But today?

Mush I feel on FIRE… and no, not just because its Friday…. or ‘Fri-yay’ like some of my mates call it

Its because yesterday we had one of our live events here at our HQ in South Shields

we do these sessions inside almost all of my programs FOR FREE - reply with ‘coaching’ if you want to get in on the action

And whenever these happen…


The main reason?

I’ve said it before

But when you’re around people that are EXCITED ABOUT THEIR FUTURE

And they’re on their MISSION and filled with that PASSION that comes with that >>>>

You CAN’T HELP but feel the same

So my advice to you today….

FIND A GROUP OF PEOPLE who are EXCITED about their future

And make it a PRIORITY to get around them

There’s nothing quite like it


From Stuff to Memories: How One Decision Transformed My Life


Inspiring Tale of Resilience and Empowerment