Inspiring Tale of Resilience and Empowerment

Earlier today I posted a picture of my 10 year ‘glow up’ as everyone seems to call it these days (I LOVE that term too, btw)

You can check it out on my Facebook and Instagram


I gets a DM on the old ‘gram’

From a lady called Lee-Anne

She sent me 2 AMAZING pictures of her own glow up

With this attached to it


“Paul Mort definitely saves your life… thought I’d show you mine, your book and class sorted me right out! I’ll always be grateful to you! Life is so much better than its evert been.

Since I read your book, I’ve buried 5 family members, 3 to drink and drugs, 2 to cancer, my mum has been diagnosed with stage 3B, I lost my house and had to go into temp accommodation, I’m in a nice house now thank god… oh and I watched a lad I know get stabbed and drop dead…

And guess what? I’M OKAY!! thank you for being uni.. have a good day. Sorry for the life story lol! X”


Pretty INSANE that right?

Now there are TWO lessons for you today….

1- Is the message of Lee- Anne’s transformation.. she’s clearly done the work and not gone into that old ‘victim’ mindset that so many people fall into that disempowers then… I teach that in ALL of my courses

2- the lesson from MY side.. when you read stuff like that

And you know that YOU have had that much of an impact on someones life

The feeling is INCREDIBLE

Like you’re making a huge difference to someones life


Feeling Unmotivated? Surround Yourself with Passionate People!


From Small Town to Puerto Rico: A Story of Self-Improvement and Unexpected Opportunities