From Small Town to Puerto Rico: A Story of Self-Improvement and Unexpected Opportunities

This time last year me and my family were being flown out to PUERTO RICO for the week

I was asked to speak at an event with Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary vee)

Mad eh?

I mean, I'm just some dipstick from a small, poor town in the North East who's had some trouble with bipolar, depression and anxiety (and a big mouth ha)

And this guy Gary Vee is a multi, multi millionaire who's travelling the world speaking and has 10 million followers on Instagram


I'm not telling you this to brag though (not really)

I wanted to show you what's possible

When you just keep showing up

Working on yourself

Taking your commitments seriously

Constantly working on self improvement

Because the mad part? I didn't ask for this gig in Puerto Rico

(man, I thought it was in Tenerife)

I never went looking for it or sent my CV

A guy just messaged me completely out of the blue

Offering to fly us all out there

The lesson?

Well, not just to keep doing your thing

Taking action and improving yourself

But this... I suppose it's WHY you gotta keep being a man/woman of your word


Whether that's your partner
Your colleagues
Your clients
Your boss

Someone is always watching

So step the hell up

Or not.

Because people need INSPIRATION more than ever right now

Especially young people

And maybe YOU are just the person to fu*king do it


Inspiring Tale of Resilience and Empowerment


The "Cheat Code" for Achieving Your Goals Faster and More Effectively