From 'Meh' to Mega: How Actual Reflection Boosted Confidence

Todays marks the end of the first 1/4 of 2023…

I’ve spent the last couple of days with both my female and male clients here in London at Chelsea FC

It’s been ELECTRIC

I share insights and lessons

And deliver fire via keynotes and workshops

Then we REVIEW the last quarter… picking out wins and achievements to build confidence and self belief

Whilst at the same time extracting what we’ve learned so we can plan a KICK ASS rest of 2023

I actually join in too… its important for me to practice what I preach and LIVE what I teach

The strange part?

Q1 of this year has ‘felt like’ a DRAG

Got sick a few times… struggled with sleep and tiredness

Just couldn’t seem to get going

Missed a few of my targets, fell WAY behind on others

All a bit ‘meh


Upon ACTUAL reflection… rather than just the old ‘feel like’ thing

Upon ACTUAL review rather than ‘seems like’

Assessing rather than GUESSING

Using DATA over DRAMA


Getting stuff out of my head and onto paper

Turns out I’ve done some pretty cool shit (EVERYONE realised this yesterday)

And instead of feeling ‘meh’ I feel MEGA

Here are my top 10 achievements this quarter… hopefully they inspire you >

•Signed a deal to get my next book written, boxed off and published

•Delivered a keynote to one of the biggest companies in the health and wellbeing space

•Went Zip-sliding, quad biking and kayaking in Thailand with my family

•Took my 12 year old son, Max to the UFC London and to the Arsenal Match

•Went ski-ing with my 9 year old daughter, Nina for the first time

•Started a free Telegram Comminutiy to help more people and got up to 1600 members

•Hit 15 months booze free TODAY

•Watched Everton play at home (which I’ve wanted to do since I was 15)

•Got 20 strength training sessions in

•Worked with over 500 clients who wanted to upgrade their thinking and master their emotions

•Found a GIANT clam, grabbed a see cucumber and swam with bioluminescent plankton in Thailand

spent 4 days of the last week or so reading about and listening to our client wins (i’ll share some next week) which has been amazing

•Ate a 2 foot long Frankfurter, in Frankfurt at the Eintracht Frankfurt Match

there are a fair few smaller, less significant ones too but you get the drift

see, what I give attention to is what I add MOMENTUM to

and when i felt a bit ‘meh’ it was because my focus, my thoughts and even my WORDS were all on how i DIDN’T want to feel, what WASN’T working and what i DIDN’T get done

^^ huge ^^

in fact, it’s one of THE most important things when it comes to mastering

a) you’re thinking
b) your mood and emotions

and it’s why i make it a STAPLE of my signature coaching program the 90 Day Transformation

which is open NOW

check this out to join us >>


The Science of Human Behaviour: Coaching Principles that Work for Everyone


The Secret to Boosting Your Momentum and Confidence in 90 Days