The Science of Human Behaviour: Coaching Principles that Work for Everyone

Many people aren’t aware of this…

But since I started this thing in 2016 … I’ve worked MAINLY with MEN

In fact, until 2020 I ONLY worked with men

I just ‘got’ men more… I suppose because I am one.

Then in 2020, 2 things happened

1- I was named UK Mastercoach of the Year for the 2nd time in a row, got signed by one of the Worlds biggest publishers and as a result, realised I maybe I was REALLY f8cking good at this

2- LOADS of ladies started asking me and pestering me to open something up for them until I finally caved in

3 years later?

Here we are and I LOVE it

Both Men AND women are getting their shit together in my programs

Upgrading their thinking
Mastering their moods and emotions

And taking back control of their lives

It’s pretty spectacular watching it unfold

And I’m often asked what the difference is between men and women

But there’s only a couple of things

Masculine energy and feminine energy are different

And men tend to be a little more challenging to open up (but I can unlock that no problem)

Women tend to overthink a little more - again, I can handle that

But other than that?


Because one thing I’ve learned over the years?


And once you figure out the area and science of human behaviour?

You can help both men and women TRANSFORM

And of course, we have the results to show it


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