Apply the Winning Mentality of Olympic Athletes to Achieve Your Goals

While I was on holiday with the family last week I did a bit of reading

Bit of fiction, bit of footie, bit of personal development

Mrs Mort bought me a kindle last year…

So I go FULL NERD when I’m away

Anyhoo.. read a story, with a quote thats REALLY stuck with me

About a guy called Ben Hunt-DAVIES… who captained the British Olympic Rowing Team in 2000

A team that finished EIGHTH at the 1996 Olympics

He had his team SKIP and totally IGNORE the opening ceremony and all of the stuff that went with it.


Well, he had a mantra… the team had a mantra

Which they used to guide EVERY decision each of them made

A mantra they used as a COMPASS to base those decision off

And I F8cking LOVE IT

“Does this make the boat go faster?”

I mean, its simple.. its a little strange but its MEGA

If it doesn’t make the boat go faster… they didn’t do it

If it did make the boat go faster.. they did

That kinda thinking…

Make decision making EASY

Imagine if we could apply this to our own life

And the goals we’re woking towards, the life we’re trying to create

“Will this take me closer to my future and my goals?”

Simple. Powerful..

And possibly LIFE CHANGING

Where could you apply this to your life?


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