Parenting win: How I helped my son understand the importance of self-belief

So last year I jumped on the Tik-Tok wave...

But VERY quickly, I realised the platform wasn’t for me

SUPER distracting and the comments? Sheeesssh

I ended up deleting the app from my phone BUT keeping the account open and

Having my team post videos on there for me

Thing is, both of my kids are on there

My 12 year old son, Max even likes my videos and follows a bunch of my friends and network

Anyhooo.. yesterday he told me something

He’d been watching a video of my talking about my past (which I’m TOTALLY okay with)

“Dad, have you seen these comments? They’re saying HORRIBLE things about you”

And I was a little bit taken a back…

Obviously I told him not to read them… although it is a lesson for him in how the world works

But here’s what I said >> (or something like this)

“The comments AREN’T about me, son… the things they’re saying actually show where THEY ARE AT… and obviously someone who’s leaving comments like that aren’t in a great place”

He nodded at me… and then I told him something that I’ve had to come to understand

“If you want to be successful at ANYTHING… then people WILL criticise you.. the cost of admission to winning is that losers will let you know”

To which he gave me a FIST BUMP

Which I think, means he got it and LOVED it


But it's all true, man

So it boils down to what you want I suppose

And me personally? I’m not willing to have other people's opinions stop me from living a life I LOVE

That's all for now


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