How To Have A Crap Week

“How to have a crap week”

But man…so many people legitimately set themselves up to LOSE

And of course, then they DO have a crap week

See, most people have ZERO plan for the week

ZERO strategy, ZERO REAL intention

Which almost guarantees a shit week

See, without a plan, strategy or intention

Your week is left to chance, to HOPE

Which renders you POWERLESS

How do you take back power?

Well, you simply PLAN for a great, progress packed week

If you don’t?

Like I say, you’re essentially planning to have a bit of a sh1t one

Because you have NO IDEA whether you’re making progress or not

You end up having more weeks than not, when you’re ‘happy to see the end of it’

As ya might know

If you don’t seek out challenge that inspires you... you attract challenge that drains you

Let’s not ‘drift’ though the week and wonder where it’s gone

Let’s not keep our focus on what we CANT do and then end up wondering where the times gone

Let’s not wander through the week and go from one drama to another drama

Set up your week with a strategy for progress,

A strategy to build momentum

A strategy to show up and bring value to people’s lives

A strategy where you go after the WIN not just hope you don’t lose (which makes I impossible to win)

A strategy to laser focus on your sense of purpose so that you RIDE the waves of time


Let another week just float by you

Another week as a spectator

Aaaah, scratch that

Transformation is NOT a spectator sport


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