From Temptation to Triumph: Prioritising Goals Over Alcohol

Got asked a great question over on my Instagram this weekend…

The question was

“What do you do when you’re tempted to get boozed?”

BANGER of a question, that

Particularly right now….

When the sun is out………

And the footie is on….

Its VERY tempting sometimes to just crack a bottle of wine, or a can of beer open

I get it…

But in the moment?

There’s a simple ‘trade off’ question I ask

“Whats the ENERGY consequence if I do have a drink?”

^^ read again ^^

See, booze is ETHANOL… your body ain’t supposed to ingest that

So with that in mind, there’s ALWAYS an energy consequence

And if you have goals, missions, targets, work or anything else that requires energy

AND you’re really excited about those things and actually give a f8ck about them?

The decision becomes MUCH easier

If you DON’T have those things (you haven’t CREATED them)

Then it’ll always be harder to make GOOD decisions when it comes to boozing

Thats all for today


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