From Labels to Action: Transforming Flaws into Opportunities

"I have bipolar" used to be my go-to, easy way out when things got tough in my life

I'd often use it to justify my behaviour and actions

It's a funny thing using 'labels' to give yourself a way out

Yours could be lack of willpower, perfectionism, procrastination, overthinking, technically challenged, time management problems, easily overwhelmed (another favourite of mine)


Why do we point out these defects and flaws?

(Trigger warning incoming)

Because it's easier to label yourself than it is to do the work...

Totally understandable too

Its the easy way out. No hassle, l but also - no real results

The hard way? The way to win?

The way to get your sh*t together and upgrade your life?

Drop the bullsh*t and choose to GET STARTED

To get going.
To do the work
To take the required action
To change your behaviour
To raise your standards


Conquer Insecurity and Jealousy: Powerful Strategies for Self-Growth


From Temptation to Triumph: Prioritising Goals Over Alcohol