Conquer Insecurity and Jealousy: Powerful Strategies for Self-Growth

Something I get asked about a lot, particularly over on the old Instagram…

Is >>>>>>>
“how do you deal with insecurity, jealousy and trust issues?”

And I TOTALLY get it..

When I was a youngster I was a bit of a boiler, super insecure… a bit clingy, ya know

Always worried people were out to get me

Wondering what people were up to ‘behind my back’

Whether I was being cheated on…

Man, its was STRESSFUL as hell

Exhausting actually

I struggled with it for a long time

Then I realised something…

There is some DEEP work you can do if its' based on past experiences (I’d recommend Byron Katies book ‘loving what is’ on this)

But the FASTER, simpler… and in my opinion more POWERFUL way to handle this

And it might sting a bit

Read this carefully >>

You only ever ‘feel’ insecure, jealous or untrusting when you’re FOCUSED ON WHAT SOMEONE ELSE IS DOING

Obvious right?

This happens when you’re BORED

When you aren’t focused on YOU and YOUR life

When you’re not focus on YOUR actions and YOUR mission

And as the old saying goes?

“Where attention goes, energy flows and results show”

In this case

When your attention is on what someone else is doing (and not your own life)… you get stressful energy and the result is a relationship that just doesn’t work

and often more than one relationship falls apart


The Momentum Mindset: Pushing Through Slow Progress for Breakthrough Results


From Labels to Action: Transforming Flaws into Opportunities