The Momentum Mindset: Pushing Through Slow Progress for Breakthrough Results

I've had this feeling with multiple things

Diet, training, meditation

Business... all of it

You know that feeling

When you feel like you aren’t going fast enough

Like progress just doesn’t seem like its happening

things are just going too slow for you compared to the amount of effort you’re putting in ⁣

The mad part?

Its at that point.. ⁣

That most people STOP and give up ⁣

Which is a shame… a big shame, actually

Because its at that point that you’ll just start to gain some momentum

Its at that point that you MUST just keep going ⁣

⁣Keep showing up ⁣

One step.. then another ⁣

⁣Even when you don’t want to.. EVEN when it feels like its too slow and you’re never gonna get there ⁣

Keep. ⁣
F*cking. ⁣
Going. ⁣

Because that’s what it takes. ⁣


It's impossible to get momentum

To ride the waves


If you keep on stopping

So what if…

WHAT IF… the problem ISN’T that your progress is low

But the problem is that you KEEP STOPPING?

Food for thought


Unlock Your Emotional Potential: Why Being Happy All the Time Isn't the Goal


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