Unlock Your Emotional Potential: Why Being Happy All the Time Isn't the Goal

I've worked with thousands of people since I started coaching

Most of them through my 90 Day Transformation programmes

And there's something I try to get all of these guys and gals to STOP doing

It ain't what you think it is....

It's to STOP thinking you're supposed to be happy all the time

You see...

Thinking you should be happy all of the time is deluded and is probably the reason you think there’s something wrong with you

ALL emotions are ‘transient’ which means they’re not permanent and aren’t supposed to be

Emotions are often just feedback to where you’re at physiologically AND what you’re focused on

That’s why it’s GOOD that you have ‘bad’ emotions >>> they’re an alarm clock that you can change that shit

Which is good news... because you can impact and manage them yourself

In fact, with enough ‘training’ you can MASTER your emotions

And make happiness an emotion you experience MORE often than not

But PLEASE don’t try and hypnotise yourself into thinking you should be happy all of the time


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