My Controversial Opinion On Therapy And Counselling

disclaimer: i’m ONLY speaking from my personal experience here and the experience of many people i’ve worked with over the years

i can’t speak for every person… and i’m not labelling it all the same

so you don’t need to try and pick a fight.. it’s okay if you have a different experience

but here’s why i’m personally at >>

after many, many hours of both…

way back when i was struggling BAD

i ended up sacking all of that stuff off

why? well i figured something out

every session i seemed to repeat the same stuff

over and over again

then i’d leave… sometimes feeling a bit better

but mostly feeling worse

and then talk about the same shit every session

like i was rehearsing some kind of script

and a shite one at that

see what i realised (again in my personal experience)

is that counselling and therapy focus on one thing


and if there’s one thing i know about the past?

one thing i know to be CERTAIN

it’s that you can’t change it.

it’s gone

no matter how much you obsess over it

the past, is just the past

now, don’t get it twisted.., if there’s something from my past that’s bothering me and impacting the now, i may have a little reframe of it

but the truth is that my life didn’t change AT ALL until i created a crafted an exciting, compelling vision of my FUTURE

because that is not just where excitement and inspiration lie

but it’s something i can ACTUALLY impact

and it does take some skill

to get clear on

1- what you want
2- why you want it


3- what’s required to make that happen

but once you get that stuff dialled in?

shit, it’s liberating

it’s why inside of my signature program the 90 Day Life Transformation

we DEEP DIVE into your vision, your goals, your mission and your outcome

so that you light a REAL, BURNING fire in your belly

and trust me, mush

it feels fucking GOOD

certainly better than trying to change something you can’t by talking about it over and over again


From Procrastination to Productivity: A Coach's Guide to Overcoming Obstacles


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