Overcoming Betrayal: A 3-Step Process to Get Over It and Move On

Ever been cheated on?

Stabbed in the back?

F*cked over?

Yeh me too…. its kinda shit

It’s something I seem to be getting more and more questions about

So here’s my 3 STEP PROCESS to ‘getting over It’ and ‘getting on with it’

NOTE - YOU MUST follow all 3 steps

AND if you want to really FEEL different about it

I’d STRONGLY recommend getting some paper out and journalling on it

Here goes, gangster >>

1- don’t make it about you, it never was, what people do is always to make themselves feel better. We’re not the centre of anyone else’s universe, they are. it’s happened FOR YOU not to you . >>

2- get grateful, there’s a hidden gift in the situation that you’ve been given. you just have to get past your ego and find it. You’ll thank the person when you get there.

3- consider all the NEW things possible for you now. create a vision of your future that’s excites you and focus on that….. go after it and you won’t have the time of her spa e to focus the past that you can’t change or wonder ‘what if

Listen, overcoming, dealing with and TRANSCENDING unpleasant trauma, mistakes and circumstances is something I dedicate TWO modules to inside of my Signature 90 day Life Transformation program

Which is open RIGHT NOW


How to Deal with Entitled People: A Mindset Shift You Need to Make


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