Why Feeling Depressed is Sometimes a Good Thing?

Was talking to one of the guys in our program yesterday on one of or weekly Zoom sessions

John was telling me he experienced something I hadn’t experienced in a LONG TIME

He woke up Monday having some DARK THOUGHTS

He felt those old DEPRESSION emotions popping up again…

John used to experience that stuff ALL of the time…

(Before he started working with me, obviously)

And as he was explaining.. he looked surprised when I said


Because he was feeling a little guilty, I think

You know when you get that “This shouldn’t happen anymore” thing going on?

John had that

Here’s why I said “good” >>>

Because those emotions and thoughts were just REMINDER to John that he’s HUMAN

Even when you master your emotions, those unpleasant ones will still show up every now and again.. again to remind you that you’re human

The good news?

When you DO know how to master them…

You CAN SHIFT them and you can shift them FAST

By simply changing what you’re focused on

So the advice I gave my guy John in the end…

That sometimes it is useful to ask “WHY” do I feel like this

BUT what I like better >>>

Ask “How do I WANT to feel?”

Just asking that question.. shifts the focus from what you DON’T want… to what you DO want..

And thats often IT

Thats how SIMPLE it is sometimes

I mean there is a little more to it than that, for the more ‘deep rooted’ stuff


Overcoming Betrayal: A 3-Step Process to Get Over It and Move On


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