The Dangers of Spectating: How to Take Action Towards Your Goals

Had a bit of a ‘meh’ week

3 nights in a row of poor sleep, combine with a LOT of travel and work

Can leave you feeling a little like that, eh?

Even took yesterday off to try and recover and get some rest

But I made a critical mistake… a mistake that made me feel WORSE, when I was supposed to be resting

I scrolled on my phone

I watched what other people were doing with their lives


See, When you see other people making progress and you don’t feel like you are? I didn’t feel like I was… because of the fatigue and travel, ya know

It’s EASY to get downbeat, downhearted and beat yourself up
I get it.

Sometimes you may even get triggered and start to talk shit about people (I see it all of the time, even inside of my programs)

But consider that you’ll only feel like that when you’re SPECTATING

So treat it as an alarm clock

An alarm clock that any transformation is NOT a SPECTATOR sport
Progress requires participation

If you want to make progress and feel great?
Be clear on what progress actually looks like.
Measure it.
Track it.

SHOW your brain progress and it won’t have to look for problems

Stop consuming and start creating

Let’s go.

And whenever you’re ready

I’m here to help you get better at BEING IN THE ARENA

Actually TAKE ACTION on your goals and stop procrastinating

Actually level up your CONFIDENCE AND SELF BELIEF


Why Feeling Depressed is Sometimes a Good Thing?


From Procrastination to Productivity: A Coach's Guide to Overcoming Obstacles