Ranty Mcranterson of Rantsville

WARNING: I’m going to go off on one… a big old rant (but I think you’ll love it)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….

Relying on OTHER PEOPLE and OUTSIDE circumstances to make you feel good

Is how you become a PRISONER to your mind and your EMOTIONS

I get it…

It used to be me… like you wouldn’t believe

I was the KING of mood swings

If being volatile and losing my shit over the smallest thing was a SPORT?

I’d be a gold medallist AND a black belt

I was the ultimate VICTIM thinker

And here’s how I know >>>

I learnt from one of my coaches that “blame is the war cry of the victim”

And I was LOUD

- I’d blame everyone else for the way I felt
- I’d blame everyone else for how I behaved
- I’d blame other things and other people for how I reacted

And man, was I volatile


I realised that the way I felt was ON ME (no-one else)

That I didn’t need people to behave a certain way for ME to feel good

I figured out that I could feel good NO MATTER what happened

And when you do that?




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