Why Doing What You Said You Would Is Key to Building Confidence and Trust

I’m a BIG fan of the phrase “Do What You Said You Would “

Such a big fan that I even have ‘merch’ (thats what my kids call it anyway)

T-shirts and wristband reminders

Why is doing what you said you would important?

Well, if you do what you said you would you tend to get what you say you want….

And if you don’t… then, well you don’t

But there’s a HIDDEN benefit to this too…

A ‘secret’ upside of this


* Every time you DO what you said you would >> your CONFIDENCE goes up
* Every time you DO what you said you would >> your SELF-BELIEF rises
* Every time you DO what you said you would >> your TRUST in yourself goes up
* Every time you DO what you said you would >> your SELF-RESPECT goes up
* Every time you DO what you said you would >> OTHER PEOPLES trust in your increases
* Every time you DO what you said you would >> your SELF-WORTH improves

And the flip side…

Every time you DON’T

The opposite happens

Confidence DOWN (fear UP)
Self belief DOWN(self doubt UP)
Trust DOWN (mistrust UP)
Self-Respect DOWN
Self-Worth DOWN

And ultimately?

You feel like shit and people thing you’re full of shit

It’s why I do TWO things in my World Famous Unstoppable28 program

1- I make it EASY to do what you said you would

2- I build in HIGH LEVEL ACCOUNTABILITY to make sure that you do


Ranty Mcranterson of Rantsville


How Are You Going To Step Up?