How Are You Going To Step Up?

Whether it’s email, Instagram or Facebook there’s a question I’m asked almost daily

‘Can you help me?’

My answer is always the same >>>


BUT I can’t do the work for you”

I can show you the way. Give you advice on actions steps… all of that good shit

That’s kinda what I do, ya know?

Speaking of which I have to be honest

And it might sting a bit

The sooner you realise that no one is going to come and change your life for you

The sooner you can get started and actually do what's required

Or you can keep believing it's on someone else....

And have things stay the same

Step up.

No one else is going to do it for you

Listen... no one is going to exercise for you.

No one is going to advance your career or grow your business for you

No one is going to get to bed earlier for you

No one is going to get a handle on those bad habits for you

No one is going to eat better for you

No one is going to say ‘no’ to temptation for you

No one is going to meditate for you

It’s not because you’re not worth it undeserving

It’s because that’s just how it works

You get what you’re most committed to

And your actions will always demonstrate what you’re most committed to

^^^ It’s not comfortable reading that ^^

Is it?

But it's the truth

And.... the truth will set you free


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