The Art of Saying 'No': How to Stop People Pleasing and Transform Your Life
ve spent a few hours this morning putting together a brand new training and workbook for the guys inside of my Alliance program
It’s called “How to STOP People Pleasing and Be Happier and Healthier”
I’ve been fascinated by it
I actually used to be BAD for it
In fact, I still struggle with it now
Trying to reply to every email
Trying to answer ever questions I get asked and every DM I get (its a LOT)
But I’m better, for sure
I used to say yes to things I really didn’t want to do
Take on too much
Take on other peoples problems
Felt guilty about doing things that I really wanted to do
Go places I didn’t want to go to
Not give my actual opinion and just agree with people so I didn’t rock the boat
Man, it was exhausting
I’d actually end up ANGRY
At the people I was tying to please
And it MYSELF for being such a pleaser
Until I finally understood one thing
Both to myself AND everyone else
Like I said, I ended up angry and resentful
I had to deal with the consequences of saying yes to things all of the time
My family had to put up with my bad mood, even though it was them I was trying to ‘please’ and pacify
I became passive aggressive
And on the odd occasion?
I’d EXPLODE like a bloody volcano and it started to impact my overall happiness and health
So once I understand that it WAS indeed MORE harmful than saying ‘NO’ to people
It became WAY easier to say no…
Here’s a tiny little hack l use that made it easier
“I’d LOVE to say yes… but if I did? It would mean I have to sacrifice _____”
Trust me on this… THAT WORKS ^^
becomes MUCH easier to do if you have some super clear PERSONAL goals you’re working towards that have a POSITIVE IMPACT on the people around you