The Hard Truth About Men's Mental Health: Zuby's Message on Purpose and Usefulness

Saw a ‘tweet’ (or they even called that now) from a guy called Zuby

And I’ll be honest…

Not only do I hardly use twitter but I don’t really know what Zuby does

Think he might be a rapper

But he DOES talk sense

Here’s what the tweet said


“The popular idea that millions of men are depressed primarily because they 'don't talk about their feelings enough' is nonsense.

It's projecting a gynocentric model onto the male sex.

Men get depressed when they lack purpose, usefulness, and power/status.

Men need to be useful”


Now here’s what’s important

He’s not saying men SHOULDN’T talk about their feelings

He’s saying that NOT talking it NOT the cause of their depression

I’ve said it for years…

Talking can be useful. A great outlet. A great start. It can give you relief. It can help you feel that you aren’t alone.

But it doesn’t ‘cook rice’

You can talk as much as you wan’t but if you’re actions, habits and behaviours don’t change?


Here’s the big bit of fire you MUST remember (wether you’e a bloke or not)

“Men get depressed when they lack purpose, usefulness, and power/status.

Men need to be useful”

So if you don’t have goals, desires, outcomes, dreams, targets or a mission?


And if you need some help?

I’m opening up a BRAND NEW 6 week program (which also includes a BRAND new hardback journal)

Its designed to help you MASTER your mood and your mind so that you can do anything


Unlocking Success: The Power of Practice and Persistence in Personal Growth


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