“Tool Of Inspiration”

Was leafing through my favourite magazine yesterday

A football one...

Found an article in there called

“Tool of inspiration” << which is hilarious based on the rest of it >>


“Wayne Rooney baffled his DC United side in a motivational speech by declaring that he had a tiny p3nis, to illustrate he had overcame adversity in his life”


Now, it’s a bit mental that …. Not exactly my idea of motivation

But funny all the same…

The bit that caught my aye (not the willy)

Was the bit about adversity

Because Its my belief that the BEST parts of us

The STRONGEST parts of us

The most POWERFUL TRAITS we have

Are as a DIRECT RESULT of the adversity we’ve overcome

And for me? And maybe you too

That gives me confidence

That gives me believe

That gives me courage

Because shit, if you think about the things you’ve overcame so far….

You’ll realise you’re capable of handling WAY MORE than you think

So what are you waiting for?

Paul ‘bigger than Wayne’ Mort


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