Unleashing the Power of Adversity: The 'Jaws' Story and the Birth of the Summer Blockbuster

Couple of weeks back I was in California

Did all the tourist stuff…

Including a trip around Universal Studios

Which was cool

One thing I found super interesting and had to email you about was that the movie Jaws was the FIRST EVER “Summer Blockbuster”

But thats not the most interesting thing

What I found fascinating was that the trend was that people JUST DIDN’T GO to the cinema in summer back then

But because of various setbacks

Such as the mechanical shark hardly every working

They had to push the release date back to the summer

Because of that, apparently they were all set for a flop of a movie

Like I said, no-one went to the cinema in summer back then

But to everyone's surprise?

It Became a HUGE Box Office Success…

Not only breaking the ‘norm’ but paving the way for the modern concept of a summer blockbuster

Almost every blockbuster is now a summer release

The take home?

When things aren’t going your way, when you get setbacks, when shit doesn’t go to plan - there’s ALWAYS AN OPPORTUNITY

Napoleon Hill said it best : “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit”

Speaking of which, I have something brewing that I think will be of MASSIVE benefit to you.. stay tuned


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Overcoming Adversity: From Cocaine Addiction to a Life of Inspiration