Overcoming Adversity: From Cocaine Addiction to a Life of Inspiration

Since my life was a MESS back in 2014 a LOT of things have changed

I mean, I was 5 stone overweight, a fat, boozed up cocaine head

diagnosed with bipolar AND anxiety

Relationship falling apart and I’d ‘lost’ almost all of my friends

Man, I’ve done alright…

But you know the BIGGEST change I’ve made?

And its one that both keeps me going AND one I am FAR from perfect at…

Is that I committed to making my life and my behaviour an EXAMPLE rather than a WARNING

Read. That. Again.

See my ‘old’ behaviours (and the result of them) 100% served as a WARNING how NOT to operate as a man…

Both for my wife, my kids, my clients, my friends…

But most of all my kids


I’m committed to less talk, more action

By making my habits, behaviours and LIFE an EXAMPLE not a warning

Something to think about, right?


Unleashing the Power of Adversity: The 'Jaws' Story and the Birth of the Summer Blockbuster


Unlocking Positivity: Empower Your Mindset with These 2 Powerful Questions