Unlocking Positivity: Empower Your Mindset with These 2 Powerful Questions

A couple of times a week, I post a question on my Facebook page

(You can follow me here > https://www.facebook.com/MrPaulMort)

Something along the lines of

“What’s been the best part of your week this week?”

Or “what are you most excited about this week?”

They’re both GREAT questions, even if I say so myself

What makes them so good is they steer your mind towards EMPOWERED

Here’s why >>

Best part of the week? Shifts your focus to what’s going WELL which makes you feel GOOD

Most excited about? Again, shifts your focus towards something that makes you feel GOOD

Makes a lot of sense, to me

But there’s one thing that gets my knickers in a bit of twist

Its when I get a response like “the end of it”

Which I get

But It’s such a shit answer…

And there’s NO WAY that can you feel good from it

You’re actually CHOOSING to feel like shite

Its not even the truth either

Because every week has a BEST PART

And creating something to get excited about (truly excited) is pretty easy

Listen, I think you’re capable of MORE

WAY more

So do yourself a favour TODAY

Ask yourself those 2 questions

Answer with integrity and EFFORT and watch what happens


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