Your Week, Your Decision: Crafting a Strategy for Success, Not Just Hoping for It

Here we are my mate…


What I’m not going to do here?

That whole “Monday Motivation” cheesy bollox

What I am going to tell you is this

If you want to have a SH1T week….

>> DON’T create a plan for the week
>> DON’T based that plan around goals and missions
>> DON’T put your attention on what you want
>> DON’T build out your schedule so that includes things that made you feel happy
>> DON’T plan in UN-INTERRUPTED time with your family
>> DON’T look down the road and see what obstacles you could solve in advance

Just do what most people do…

‘Get through it’

Listen, here’s the deal

Having a GOOD week is almost a DECISION

And like I say, it starts with

A Plan
A strategy
A mission
An objective

Without those?

You’re quite literally flying by the seat of your pants

‘Drifting’ and ‘wandering’ through the week

HOPING its a good one

The bad news?



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