Unlocking Your Potential: Turning Social Media Envy into Fuel for Personal Success

Something I’ve noticed from my time off recently

(Been on holiday, haven't I?)

Is that when I spend too much time on my phone…

Scrolling Instagram, scrolling Facebook and sometimes even LinkedIn (that last part is very rare. Its shite ha)

I often find myself getting a little DEFLATED

Sometimes even p1ssed off

At what OTHER PEOPLE are up to

And how ‘well’ they SEEM to be doing..

Its normal though..

When you see other people making progress and you don’t feel like you are?

It’s easy to get downbeat, downhearted and beat yourself up and feel like you’re falling behind

I get it.

Sometimes you may even get triggered and start to talk shit about people (I see it all of the time, even in my programs)

But consider that you’ll only feel like that when you’re SPECTATING

When you’re sitting on the sidelines

So treat it as an alarm clock

A reminder, if you like

An alarm clock that any transformation is NOT a SPECTATOR sport

Progress requires participation

If you want to make progress and feel great?

Be clear on what progress actually looks like

Measure it. Track it.

SHOW your brain progress and it won’t have to look for problems

Stop consuming and start creating

You can’t change jack sh1t from the sidelines

Let’s go.


The Price of Progress: Understanding the True Cost of Self-Improvement


Mindful Social Media: Turning Comparison into Motivation