The Price of Progress: Understanding the True Cost of Self-Improvement

I believe there’s a cost to everything

And by cost…

I don’t just mean money

I mean time
I mean effort
I mean energy
I mean sacrifice

I remember when I first started setting goals for myself

To change my thinking
To level up my energy
To get in better shape
To improve my career
To making my relationships better

I’d always ask

“What’s the PRICE I have to pay in terms of time, effort, sacrifice and money to achieve this result?

It’s a question that forces you to do a little research and a lot of thinking

But here an even BETTER question


Because its your WILLINGNESS to pay the price that’ll ultimately decide whether you achieve those goals of change or not

And thats pretty much the ONLY difference between those that transform their lives and those that stay the same

The willingness to ‘investenergy, time, effort and sometimes cash into doing the work required

And you’ll know which one you are and what you’re currently doing about it

But here’s the MAD thing you have to realise too

There's a cost to doing NOTHING too

The cost of doing nothing?

Everything staying the same


How you think
How you feel

And how you act


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