Tripping Without Drugs: My Mind-Blowing Out-of-Body Experience at a Meditation Retreat

This time last year, I spent a full week at the Dr Joe Dispenza Advanced retreat in London

Look him up, he’s a genius

the full week was EPIC

On the last day I did something I NEVER thought I’d be able to do.

I’m fact, I hadn’t even consider it before

I did a 4 HOUR meditation with Dr Joe and 2500 Other people

What’s mad? It didn’t feel like 4 hours and I didn’t fall asleep

Now here’s the CrAzIeST part >>

I had an insane, out-of-body experience where I saw all of the colours of the rainbow and was like a rocket ship

PROPER trippy

Amazing and a little scary at the same time

I’ve never done magic mushrooms but I can imagine that’s what it feels like

Like NOTHING I’ve ever experienced at all

Apparently it’s because we activated the pineal gland in the brain and that releases DMT

I’m also aware I sound like a bit of a fucking hippy, space cowboy Right now

So I’ll get to my point >>>

I’d have NEVER experienced that incredible moment if I’d have let me stories get in the way

The whole

* I’m not into this
* I can’t sit still for that long
* I don’t have time
* I’m not a hippy or tree hugger
* This is stupid
* My back hurts

Blah blah blah

Pay attention to this next part, it’s important >>>

Believing those things?

That would have kept me exactly the same

And I’d have experienced nothing different

Same thoughts
Same feelings
Same actions


And I don’t know about you?

But I want an EVEN better experience of life


From Skeptic to Believer: How I Created a Transformative Guided Meditation


The Price of Progress: Understanding the True Cost of Self-Improvement