Why 'never look back' is bad advice and how to do it skilfully

"Never Look Back" or "Don't Look Back" is a common phrase that is often used as a motivational tool to encourage people to move forward and not dwell on the past. However, while the sentiment behind the phrase is admirable, it may not always be the best advice. In fact, looking back at your past, when done skilfully, can be an incredibly powerful tool for personal growth and development.

When you look back at your past in a skilful way, you can gain valuable insights into what worked and what didn't work. This knowledge can help you improve your current and future actions, and ultimately lead to more success. Additionally, looking back at your past can also help you learn more about yourself and others, cultivate confidence, and build momentum.

The key to looking back skilfully is to ask the right questions about your past. Questions are the steering wheel of the mind, and if you ask the wrong ones, you may feel demotivated or even worse. But if you ask the right ones, you can empower yourself, build momentum, and gain confidence.

The art of measuring backward is a skill that can be learned, and it's something that is covered in depth in the Unstoppable28 program. In the program, you will learn how to ask powerful questions about your past, and how to use the insights gained to improve your present and future actions.

Looking back at your past is NOT something that should be avoided at all costs. When done skilfully, looking back can be an incredibly powerful tool for personal growth and development. The key is to ask the right questions about your past and use the insights gained to improve your present and future actions.


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