Breaking the Cycle of Quitting: How to Overcome the Confusion of Progress and Perfection

We've all been there. We start off with good intentions, setting goals and habits for ourselves, but after a few weeks, we find ourselves falling short of our expectations and crashing and burning. This can be due to a lack of leverage, poor planning, or even an addiction to the familiar. However, as a coach, I've found that there is often a deeper root cause to this cycle of quitting.

In a recent coaching session with a client named Mark, we uncovered that his real problem was confusing progress with perfection. Mark was setting high standards for himself and comparing his actual results to his ideal results, leading to frustration and disappointment. He said, "I was smashing my targets and goals, but now I've gone to shit. I haven't fallen off the wagon, I just aren't doing as well as I feel I should be."

This is a common issue, and when we use words like "should" and "shouldn't," it's a clear indicator that we are arguing with reality. And when we argue with reality, we lose. The key to breaking this cycle is to focus on progress, not perfection.

The solution is simple yet effective:

  1. Keep showing up anyway

Consistency is key. Even when we fall short of our expectations, it's important to continue to show up and put in the work.

2. Track progress.

This could be through journaling, using a habit tracker, or any other method that works for you. It's important to have a clear understanding of how far we've come and how far we have yet to go.

3. Keep showing up and make adjustments based on progress.

As we track our progress, we can identify areas where we need to make adjustments and course-correct.

By focusing on progress, not perfection, we can break the cycle of quitting and achieve success. If you're ready to take the next step and learn how to do this, I invite you to check out my world-famous Unstoppable28 program. Inside, you'll learn exactly how to track progress, make adjustments, and achieve success without quitting.

The key to breaking the cycle of quitting is to focus on progress, not perfection, and to keep showing up, tracking progress and making adjustments based on feedback. With the right mindset and the right tools, we can achieve success and reach our goals."


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