Discover the Life-Changing Strategy that Transformed My Depression

Was shooting one of my new 'almost daily' voicenotes on the Telegram the other day…

Come join me here if you want to see them>>

But a comment popped up from a gentleman with “I’m in a bad way, Paul”

And boy…

Did I recognise that kinda language and statement

Was the kinda thing I’d say back in the day when I was

“on my knees”
“In a dark place”
“Crippled with depression

And all of that language that would keep me ‘STUCK’ for days in a really low mood

Now apart from realising that I was in total control of how I felt

And that I didn’t ‘catch’ any of those feelings…

I figured out a STRATEGY that transformed my life

You gotta STOP focusing on how you DON’T want to feel STOP focusing on what you CAN’T do

And START focus is on how you DO what to feel What you CAN do

Once you do that?

Things will change in a BIG, big way for you

But here’s something I have to make clear

hoping’ you feel better ISN’T a strategy’
wishing’ things were different ISN’T a strategy
waiting’ for it do go back to normal again ISN’T a strategy

And ACTION is the only answer

And this is something I share for FREE in BOTH of my books But if you HAVEN’T been actioning them? Then you won’t have reaped the rewards

So maybe it’s time you stepped into my most powerful program Unstoppable28


Get Ready to Be Energised and Intoxicated by the Power of Excitement


Feeling ‘Slammed’? Here’s my number 1 tip on how to get your time back!