Discover the Secret to Overcoming Negative Feedback and Achieving Success

One thing that I've had to Remember over the last few years:

( >> results will always take a sh*t on opinions << )

Many people have told me that I'm wasting my time doing free online masterclasses and that I give too much away for free (I have a new one coming soon BTW)

I've had opinions that I shouldn't train combat sports at my age and that I ‘promote violence’

That my videos should be more 'professional'

That I shouldn't swear as much as I do

That not taking my phone on holiday harms my business

Many people tell me that emailing doesn't work

That I should be more sympathetic and not so honest with people

That ice baths are idiotic

That I should dress a certain way when I'm on stage

That I shouldn’t post photos of my kids online

That talking the way that I do puts people off

That I should 'slow down'

But in the end? It's our results that matter.

And if you wouldn't swap results with the person that's offering the advice?

Well... you don't have to take it on board


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Get Ready to Be Energised and Intoxicated by the Power of Excitement