The 6 Most Important Questions Answered About How To Join Unstoppable28

Been getting a ton of questions about my Unstoppable28 program so i thought I’d answer them for you

Q: Do you only work with men?

I’ve been working with ANYONE thats WILLING (thats critical) to do the work and level up their life now since 2020

I’m highly skilled at coaching both men and women (UK Mastercoach of the year X2, innit)

And of course, have TONS of ‘success’ stories too, which you can check out at

Q: How much TIME does it take to complete per week?
To complete all tasks and assignments, it’ll take you about 30 minutes a day max, and usually only 10 minutes a day for the first week.

This is aside from the weekly training and Q&A’s, which are both an hour long each week.

Think about it though - we’ll happily spend 2-3 hours scrolling our phones looking at sh*t, so just 45 mis per day investing in yourself, your life, your future, your family’s future, it’s nothing in reality.

But if 45 mins a day sounds like a lot to you, then you’re not ready for the next step. As simple as that and thats okay.

Q: It says “unlimited coaching” with you and your team, is this just for the 28 days or forever?
You’ll get unlimited access to me (I do ALL of the trainings and EVERY SINGLE Q and A session) entire 28 days we are together.

On top of that, you also get unlimited lifetime access to all the resources, trainings, recordings and worksheets. You can keep those and use them again whenever you like.

Q: I’ve tried to change several times and always end up slipping up. How’s this different?

When it comes to making sure you do the work?

Me and my team are RELENTLESS when it comes to chasing you up and keeping you on track

We operate a powerful “no man/woman gets left behind’ policy

WARNING though… with this being said, DO NOT join the program if you’re an excuse maker and run away from challenge.

Q: But what happens if I start and then fall behind?
Look, commitment is one thing, and then "life happening" is another.

In Unstoppable28, we operate a policy of “No Man (or Woman) Gets Left Behind”. Therefore IF you fall behind with something, then we’ll call you out, hold you to account and give you the opportunity to catch up.

However, if you’re not willing to embrace that kind of accountability or put in the work required, including any required “catch up”, then this is not for you. It’s that simple.

Q: Where do I sign up?
Good question ;-)

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